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Rabu, 27 April 2011

Most Important Of Meta Tags

Important Meta Tags - There are many meta tags and html-tags and obviously they don't all influence the search result. For example the html cookie tag doesn't have any influence on your ranking with the search engines but the Title of your page, the Keywords and the Description meta tag are very important. This list of meta tags and their influence will provide you with all the basic information.

There is a difference between html and xml code, If you see at the end of a line " /> it means it is xml , if you see  "> it is html.

The Most Important of Meta Tags Is :
<title>relevant and attractive phrase </title>
The title is the first (usually click-able) phrase you see as a search result.

<meta name="description" content="text">
A description of your website in 3 of 4 sentences.

<meta name="keywords" content="words">
The keywords are the most important words u use on 1 specific page.

<meta name="robots" content="selection">
How far do you allow robots to spider through your website.

<meta name="revisit-after" content="period">
How often do you want the spiders to come back and index your website again.

Other Meta Tags That Can Be Use
<meta name="copyright" content="text">
<meta name="googlebot" content="noodp">
<meta name="language" content="English">
<meta name="reply-to" content="email address">
<meta name="web_author" content="text">
<meta http-equiv="name" content="value">

Google uses several meta tags of it's own. One specific meta tag used by Google is to prevent that a page is added in the cache of the search engine. Cache is an archived version of a web-page that is stored in the database of a search engine. This provides and shows the (archived) page even if the page is not available anymore on the original website. By adding the following tag you make sure that the archive function doesn't work :

You can use the tag shown above with all the search engines. By replacing 'robots' with 'Googlebot' the tag is exclusive for Google. Google also shows a small description with the search results. It is possible to keep these text fragments out of Googles database. Then use :

The search engine offers many more possibilities to have pages removed out of the index or to have them added quicker.

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